Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kicking it at Camp David

Publicly, it seems as if President Bush and President Lee have been getting along as well as expected during Lee Myung-bak's trip to Camp David. The future of trade relations between the two countries topped the discussion list as the realization of a South Korea-US FTA may be realized since the South Korean Parliament rescinded the ban of US beef imports. Bush declared that he will press Congress to agree to the FTA agreement but the increased importation of Korean cars under the agreement poses a problem under the Democratic controlled Congress.
Bush also spoke of the need to gain a definitive declaration of nuclear capabilities from North Korea as key to moving the stalled 6PT along with any hope of actual long term resolve of the North Korean Nuclear problem. Article

Without such a a declaration and a way to figure out if whatever claim by the North is actually a fact is the only way in which not to repeat the eventual breakdown of the GAF of 1994 in which concessions were made only to buy time against North Korea. I do not think the North Korean people who are starving all over again and the group of countries negotiation with the "rouge regime" have the time or energy to let this eruption of attention gathering occur again.

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